Outdoor cushions are very popular these days because people consider their outdoor furniture incomplete without the addition of outdoor cushions. These cushions not only add to the comfort of the outdoor furniture but also add to the attractiveness of the place.
Many people ask before installing outdoor cushions on the furniture if they are durable and comfortable or not. The answer to this quality completely depends on the quality of the outdoor cushions.
There are many things that contribute to making the cushions comfortable and durable. So, before you buy cushions, you should know the factors that contribute to outdoor cushions being durable and comfortable.
Things That Contribute To Make The Outdoor Cushions Comfortable And Durable
A lot of factors are involved in determining the comfort and durability of the cushions, but the fabric of the cushion and the filler of the cushion are the most important. Let’s start the discussion without any delay.
1. Filler Of The Cushions
There are many types of fillers available on the market for outdoor patio cushions Dubai. Foam and batting are the most common and reliable fillers for cushions. Foam filters are available in a variety of thicknesses and densities, so when you are using foam as the filler of the cushions, try to use high-quality foam in the cushion.
Here are some commonly used cushion fillers.
Batting Filler
Batting is basically a mixture of foam and dacron. This material is used in the cushions to give a very smooth and elegant appearance to the cushions. The foam is filled in the center and the dacron wraps the foam all around. These types of cushions have medium density. Such types of cushions are highly durable.
Polyurethane Foam
If you want a deep-seated back and long-lasting cushions for couches and sofas, then polyurethane foam is best for these types of cushions. This foam is mostly used in outdoor cushions. It is the perfect option for seating cushions. It has a medium to low density.
Closed Cell Foam
The closed-cell foam is also called floating foam. This is also used as the filler in outdoor cushions. It is denser than polyurethane foam. This foam never absorbs water, which is why it is mostly used in outdoor cushions. It is very famous for the making of cushions for commercial areas because of its insane durability.
Open Cell Foam
Open cell foam fillers are one of the easiest to maintain and easy to clean. This foam is ideal for areas that have high levels of moisture. This foam has open pores, so air can easily pass through it. Whenever it gets wet, it gets dry quickly. It makes the cushions more comfortable and durable as well.
Compressed Polyester Foam
This is one of the most economical and long-lasting foams that can easily be used in outdoor cushions. This foam will never degrade as low-quality or old foam. The cushions made from this foam are very comfortable and help to get the best sitting posture.
When you are buying filler for outdoor cushions, then one thing that you just need to notice is the density of the foam. The denser the foam is, the more durable it is. Try to buy high-resilience foam because it can regain its shape.
2. Fabric Of The Cushions
The fabric of the cushions also makes them durable and comfortable. Fabric is more exposed to the outer environment as compared to filler, so the fabric must be sturdy and damage resistant.
There are many types of fabric that can be used in the making of cushions. Some of the most durable and comfortable fabrics are:
Vinyl Fabric
Vinyl fabric cushions are getting popular nowadays because of the unlimited benefits of vinyl. This is completely water-resistant fabric and keeps the cushions dry. This fabric is best for outdoor areas, and it also increases the durability of the cushions.
Polypropylene Fabric
Polypropylene is one of the very first water-resistant fabrics that was used in making outdoor cushions. This fabric has greater resistance to UV radiation as compared to many outdoor fabrics. Cushions made of this fabric also dry quickly after being wet. It is also resistant to many other types of damage.
Olefin Fiber Fabric
The olefin fabric has plastic-like qualities, which makes this fabric very sturdy against damage. This fabric is not only used as cushion covers, but it can also give strength and density to the cushion fillers in the old cushions.
Cotton Canvas Fabric
Cotton canvas fabric is mostly known for its durability and sturdiness. Cotton canvas fabric cushions usually last longer as compared to cushions using low-quality fabric. When the cotton blends with canvas, the fabric becomes water-resistant, which is ideal for many outdoor cushions.
Textilene Fabric
The most prominent property of Textilene fabric is that it is fire resistant. This fabric has a PVC coating, which makes it resistant to water, molds, and mildew. This fabric is very comfortable to use.
Sunbrella Fabric
Sunbrella is an aesthetically pleasing and comfortable fabric for outdoor cushions. The maintenance of this fabric is very easy because it never gets dirty too quickly. It is resistant to water and the color also doesn’t fade.
If you want to know whether Are outdoor cushions Durable and Comfortable then you should know that the comfort and durability of the cushions depend upon their fillers and fabric. So consider these factors in order to judge whether the cushions will be comfortable and durable or not. We hope that after reading this blog, now you have good knowledge about the comfortability and durability of outdoor cushions in Dubai.